certificates and
legal notes

Potential trainees often present doubts and questions regarding course recognition andcertificate of attendance. Some of the concerns are:

  • What kind of certificate is obtained at the end of the course?
  • By whom is it recognized?
  • What job opportunities are there at the end of the course?

Therefore, it is important to specify the relevance of the course for professional purposes and to frame it from a work perspective.




Our course aims to train practitioners to work in the Bionatural/Olistic sector.
This includes disciplines such as Naturopathy, Massage (not therapeutic, rehabilitative or aesthetic), Reflexology, Shiatsu and many others.

The certificates we issue certify training paths (single-topic and professional) in these disciplines and are recognized privately since there is no state agency to date in charge of certifying these training paths (bionatural/holistic disciplines).

Several bills are currently being discussed in Italy to better define the figure of the bionatural/holistic practitioner, but their processes have not yet come to an end.
The activity of the bionatural/holistic practitioner is permitted (under the Italian Constitution and the Civil Code) as long as it does not encroach on fields of action reserved for the health (medical, physical therapy, etc…) or aesthetic professions.
For these reasons, the Certificates we issue do NOT entitle you to perform treatments for therapeutic, rehabilitative (such practices are strictly the purview of physicians/physiotherapists) or aesthetic purposes (such practices are strictly the purview of estheticians).
Precisely because of the lack of framing of the discipline, extensive emphasis is given in our courses to theoretical notions related to professional ethics and ethics, explaining to each trainee, in detail and clearly, what can and what cannot be done at the operational level.
We believe it is essential that the operator present himself to his clientele in a correct, knowledgeable and professional manner.

job outlets

where you can work

Where you can work after the course

The certificate earned at the end of the course can be used to work as a contributor (with VAT number) or as employee, at facilities in the sector (Spas, Wellness Centers, Spas, Gyms, Sports Associations, etc.) or, for some types of courses, to practice on their own as freelancer (Obviously, it is necessary to open suitable V.A.T. numbers, and in addition, the local situation should be assessed, i.e., it should be verified that there are no special restrictions at the regional, provincial or municipal level). In all cases, strict adherence to ethics and professional ethics will be necessary.

The obligations of the bionatural/holistic operator

The Bionatural/Olistic disciplines have no therapeutic purpose from the perspective of traditional medicine and are not part of any of the characteristic activities of the medical profession.
They do not consist of the formulation of diagnoses or the indication of prognoses, in relation to diseases or dysfunctions of the body or mind, in progress or foreseeable, as well as the prescription of preventive therapies and practices or the manipulation of the human body always for curative or preventive purposes according to conventional medicine.
The Bionatural/Olistic Disciplines Professional never recommends the discontinuation of ongoing therapies of any kind, indicating to remain under medical supervision at all times as he or she does not replace the same.
The intent of the Bionatural disciplines is to help regain energy balance, well-being and lead a peaceful life.

legal notes

The courses taught by Tao Garden do not fall under health, physical therapy, aesthetics or others reserved by law for other recognized professions.
The Certificates issued at the end of the course do NOT qualify to perform treatments of medical, health and aesthetic expertise.
The certifications issued are valid throughout Italy, pursuant to Law No. 4 of 2013 pertaining to unrecognized professions (Professions without a national professional register), approved on Jan. 14, 2013 by the House and Senate and published in Official Gazette No. 22 of January 26, 2013.

Normative references

The activity of the bionatural/holistic practitioner is allowed (under the Italian Constitution and the Civil Code – Law 4/2013) as long as it does not encroach on fields of action reserved for the health (medical, physical therapy, etc…) or aesthetic professions.
As of February 10, 2013, anyone engaged in any of the professions covered by the law is required to indicate in each document And in the written relationship with the customer (invoice, receipt, etc.). the reference to the law. Noncompliance falls under unfair business practices between professionals and consumers, and noncompliance is punished with significant fines. The wording to be included in the various documents (receipts, e-mails, informed consent and informational materials) is “Regulated in accordance with Law No. 4 of Jan. 14, 2013 (Official Gazette Jan. 26, 2013, No. 22).”
The law regarding professions not organized into orders or colleges does not require membership in Professional Trade Associations or bodies such as UNI. It is therefore a free choice of the professional to prefer an attestation of his or her qualification by a professional association.
Permissions and use of name
The Massage Maderoterapia® Method Manuel Casado is a registered trademark of. Manuel Casado. Upon completion of the course, the student will receive the EXCLUSIVE CERTIFICATION attesting to knowledge of the technique of Maderotherapy®.
Anyone who does not have such authorization is therefore unlawfully using a trademark that does not belong to him; the Industrial Property Code prohibits unauthorized third parties from using an identical or similar sign for identical or related goods or services.
Thecertificate related to the Maderoterapia® Method Manuel Casado Massage course as a registered trademark issued by the school Tao Garden is nominative; this means that the certificate has the name of the student who participates in the course and therefore HE IS THE ONLY ONE who, while not having permission to teach others, can practice this form of treatment by offering and publicizing it at the times and methods he or she sees fit.
Should the student (holding the Tao Garden certificate) be in partnership with a wellness, beauty or spa center, the center will have permission to practice and advertise the Maderoterapia® treatment, but only as long as the authorized student is in partnership with the center. 

“A healthy spirit cannot live in a strained body.”


Via Bonaccini 45
41011 Campogalliano


Maderoterapia is a registered trademark of Manuel Casado. VAT.04030790366 F.CSDMNL64E10Z131B

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